Frequently Asked Questions

The Life in Australia™ team have put together answers to your frequently asked questions.

Click on the topics below for more information.

If you have any other questions, please contact our team directly.

    • There are two ways you could have been invited:
      • It is most likely that your mobile phone number was randomly selected by SamplePages. They randomly select phone numbers from all possible Australian mobile phone numbers and then check whether the number is active before giving it to the Social Research Centre. For more information about this, you can visit the SamplePages website here.
      • If the SMS inviting you to join the study mentioned that you were referred by a member of your household, then your contact information was provided by a household member who is already a member of Life in Australia™. When we requested that they provide us with your contact information, we asked them to let you know that you would receive an invitation.
    • This invitation-only study is the only one of its kind in Australia and invites people from all walks of life to take part in 1-2 surveys per month.
    • The surveys ask about a broad range of topics of importance to Australians such as:
      • Use of technology and the internet
      • Health-related attitudes and behaviours
      • Attitudes towards government supports and initiatives
      • Current and emerging policy-related issues
      • Social issues of concern to Australians
      • Political views and engagement.
    • Some examples of past research from the Life in Australia™ study are:
      • The National Dementia Awareness Survey which found that many of us don't know that things like eating a Mediterranean diet and avoiding polluted air help protect against dementia. More people knew that being physically and socially active, learning new things, cutting down on excessive drinking, and preventing head injuries helped.
      • The Australian Unity Wellbeing Index, which has tracked how Australians feel since 2002. In 2024, the Index showed that we're feeling worse than ever, driven by the high cost of living. One in two adults under 55 reported going without essential items because of money pressures.
      • A Lowy Institute Mini-Poll about the U.S. election which revealed that Australians had very different views to Americans about who would be best to serve as U.S. president, with 73% preferring Kamala Harris, as compared to the 50% of American voters who put Donald Trump first.
    • Participation in the study itself, as well as each individual survey, is entirely voluntary.
    • Participation is easy:
      • Accept our invitation to join by completing a short survey
      • Take part in regular surveys once or twice a month
      • Most surveys are about 15 to 20 minutes in length
      • Select how you would like to be rewarded for taking part - we offer gift cards or charitable donations.
    • The surveys are carried out by the Social Research Centre on behalf of client organisations who have funded the research.
      • The external funder of each survey will typically be disclosed at the start and / or end of each survey.
    • The surveys will cover a wide range of topics such as health and social policy issues and other issues which are important to Australians. See 'What is the Life in Australia™ study' above for examples of previous studies.
    • The surveys mainly consist of multiple-choice questions and are easy to complete.
    • Wherever possible, most surveys are completed online.
    • If you do not have internet access, or would prefer to do surveys over the phone with an interviewer, please contact us. We want to include as many people as possible in Life in Australia regardless of whether or not they have internet access or are comfortable using the internet.
    • Life in Australia™ is owned and run by the Social Research Centre.
    • We were Australia's first dedicated social research organisation, which means we do social and health-based research (rather than market research).
    • We are used by governments, academics, non-for-profit organisations, and others to provide independent research services.
    • The Social Research Centre is fully owned by ANU Enterprises, the same organisation that owns the Australian National University.
    • We have a highly experienced team of researchers, methodologists, statisticians, data scientists and more who work on our surveys behind the scenes.
    • To learn more about the work we do, you can visit our website here.
    • Researchers in government, not-for-profit organisations, and academic institutions often need to reach a representative sample of Australians (called a random sample or probability sample). This means they need to hear from people from all walks of life so their results can reflect the views and experiences of all Australians.
    • Life in Australia is the only study of its kind in Australia to have recruited a representative sample of people to do monthly surveys, meaning that our survey results better represent all Australians. This makes the Life in Australia™ study unique in research in Australia.
    • Your views and experiences will influence Australian researchers, policymakers, and academics.
    • You will have a real opportunity to have your views heard and represented.
    • As a sign of our appreciation, you will receive a reward for completing each survey. The value of the reward for a typical 15 minute survey is $10.
    • The money for completing each survey can be paid to you as a gift card or you can choose to donate to a charitable organisation. In 2024, Life in Australia™ participants donated over $50,000 to Spinal Cord Injuries Australia, Food For Change, WIRES, RizeUp, and Children's Ground.
    • The study is only open to people who have been randomly selected by the Social Research Centre and invited to join.
    • Apart from that, the only qualification is to be an Australian resident aged 18 years or over.
    • To make our surveys as accurate as possible, we prefer Life in Australia™ members to complete each survey they are invited to. The more members who take part, the better the survey results reflect the views of the Australian population. This means important decisions are based on accurate and up-to-date information.
    • However, participation is entirely voluntary. You can choose which surveys you complete, and you can take a break or withdraw from the panel if needed.
    • Most surveys will be available for completion for two weeks, so we hope that you will be able to complete each one, even if you can't do it when we first invite you. We make every effort to keep the surveys brief.
    • If we haven't received a completed survey from you, we will usually send you reminders by email or text message or we'll give you a call.
    • Once you join, you can remain in the study for as long as you wish. Participation is completely voluntary. However, the study relies on your participation in order to ensure that our survey results are as accurate as possible. We aim to ensure the surveys topics are engaging and to provide you with an opportunity to contribute to major government policy decisions.
    • Even if you're going away or wish to take a break, you can stay in the study and re-join when you return. However, if preferred, you are free to withdraw from the study at any time and can do so by contacting us.
    • It's easy!
      • Log in to your member page/:
        • Select the 'Update profile' tab to update your name, phone number or state of residence.
        • Select the 'Contact us' tab to update your email address or other details.
      • You can email or call us with your new information. We'll confirm that we have your new information with an email or telephone call back.
    • The Social Research Centre believes that the privacy of your information is of the utmost importance.
    • Details about how we ensure your privacy is protected can be found in our collection statement here.
    • The responses of everyone who participates in individual surveys will be combined for analysis. Please see our collection statement here.
    • The Social Research Centre also abides by the principles of the Research Society's Code of Professional Behaviour (www.researchsociety.com.au) and complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
    • All answers you provide to surveys conducted through Life in AustraliaTM are securely stored by the Social Research Centre and will remain strictly confidential.
    • For more information about what happens to your survey answers, please read our collection statement here.
    • The member home is only available for people who were invited and have completed the first Life in Australia™ survey.
    • If you are logging in for the first time, go here to setup your password using your email address.
    • Once your account is setup you can reset your password here at any time.
    • If you are still having trouble logging in please contact us.
    • Donations are made by the Social Research Centre in bulk payments quarterly. The value of the donation is not able to be used for individual income assessment purposes. To request proof of the donation, please contact us.
    • Life in Australia™ has been running since the end of 2016. So far, participants in the Life in Australia™ study have donated to the following charities:
      • 2024: (Spinal Cord Injuries Australia, Food For Change, WIRES Australian Wildlife Rescue Organisation, RizeUp, Children?s Ground) $52,790
      • 2023: (Children's Ground, Food For Change, RizeUp, Spinal Cord Injuries Australia, WIRES Australian Wildlife Rescue Organisation) $80,675
      • 2022: (Foodbank, Lifelin, MS Australia, NATSIWA, Seed Mob)$116,360
      • 2021: (ANTaR, Disaster Relief Australia, Fitted for Work, OzHarvest, Royal Flying Doctor Services)$121,205
      • 2020: (Australian Cancer Research Foundation, Birdlife, Reconciliation Australia, Red Cross, Share the Dignity)$92,429
      • 2019: (Bowel Cancer Australia, Brain Foundation, Bush Heritage Australia, Elizabeth Morgan House Aboriginal Women's Service, Guide Dogs Victoria)$82,405
      • 2018: (Alannah & Madeline Foundation, Fred Hollows, Guide Dogs Victoria, Indigenous Literacy Foundation, Safe Steps)$73,475
      • 2016-2017: (Australian Wildlife Conservancy, CanTeen, UNHCR Australia, White Ribbon Foundation)$109,745
    • All charities are registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. You can search the Commission's register at www.acnc.gov.au.
    • The list of selected charities to choose from is generally refreshed every year with consultation with members about which charity options they would like.
    • We value our members and encourage you to contact us with feedback or questions.
    • Contact us:
      • by email at any time: LifeinAus@srcentre.com.au
      • by telephone between 9:00am to 8:00pm AEST Monday to Friday and 11:00am to 4:30pm AEST on weekends: 1800 023 040
      • by mail to:
        Life in Australia™ Team
        Social Research Centre
        PO Box 13328
        Law Courts Victoria 8010